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Breeze Residences

₱ 12,000,000 - ₱ 14,500,000
Your splendid lifestyle is within the horizon in SMDC’s Breeze Residences. Revel in the famous Manila Bay sunset, or admire the view of the magnificent Makati skyline from your home. Indulge yourself with the best the city has to offer. Whether you step out to the area’s cultural and historical attractions or prefer to stay at home. An exciting life awaits you at Breeze ...

Cheer Residences

₱ 3,200,000 - ₱ 3,500,000

Bloom Residences

₱ 4,600,000 - ₱ 7,100,000
Blossom and flourish in this newest bud, south of the Metro – SMDC Bloom Residences in Paranaque! Bloom Residences provides a haven for urbanities and young families who want to stay active and healthy through multitude of recreational amenities. Residents can enjoy a dynamic lifestyle all year round! Bloom Residences is a home where you can plan your roots as you start your career, ...

Charm Residences

₱ 3,700,000 - ₱ 5,300,000

Sun Residences

₱ 2,000,000 - ₱ 4,000,000

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